“Wet Hare”
Finally, a short blog! This last week has been getting used to new commutes, new jobs and not really getting myself to that “next level” of moving even more with the goal of some weight coming off!
Monday was a very welcome day off (apart from the escalator game) followed by 4 mornings of jogging, 2 of which were further that I had been before (not under race conditions!!). As I said to someone, “I got all the way to Hammersmith Bridge and back” (with the odd stop here and there). What I didn’t mention is where I started from?!! I will own up though, that jog is just under the 3 mile / 5k mark so am actually going to stick with that distance for next few weeks but just try and improve my stamina / time. As soon as I start thinking of going any further I can’t breath and my mind goes into overdrive and breakdown mode simultaneously!! Did someone mention marathon last week???
So the escalator game – the game of “if I go as fast as I can, how many steps can I take to get to the top of the escalator?” So far, the count has gone from 41 to 51 this week so still room for improvement there too…..however, this game is made a bit tougher due to the simple fact that this is not all about me, I do in fact have to share the escalators with my fellow commuters (fc’s). As for encouragement, I’m on my own on this one, my fc’s……wow do they give you some funny looks as you power pass them. I didn’t think I was making any pained grunting noises or pulling any gritted teeth expressions or had my tongue hanging out in concentration and sheer determination but maybe I’d better just double check that next week!!
Saturday was Parkfit and it was boxing again….my heart sank remembering my first ever session (and first day of Moving More) as I nearly passed out the last time. But it was OK. It was wetter and colder than last time so maybe that helped. Weather conditions stated, we all managed to get our corner under cover and all was great, until we had to do the boxing stomach crunches followed by a quick jump up to do some star jump squat type things at which stage my leggings decided to make an attempt at falling down….not totally but it is nigh on impossible to pull them back up with boxing gloves on….serious…you give it a go?!!! It took me back to being a child and the birthday party favourite, the chocolate game. You would throw the dice and if you got a 6 you had to scrabble to put a hat, gloves and scarf on, grab a knife and fork and try to cut a chunk of chocolate off the bar and eat it before the next person threw a 6……”6”…..quick, drop the chocolate, shed the hat, gloves, scarf, next person hat on over eyes, scarf too tight, gloves on wrong hands, can’t grip cutlery……”6”….. You did on occasion get a decent sitting with the chocolate bar!
You’ll be pleased to know everything remained covered during Parkfit on this occasion.
I did a lovely 5 ½ mile walk with the dog in the afternoon and now here I am on Sunday (afternoon). Sitting in my pyjamas watching a cookery programme and surrounded by cookery books planning my Dine for Macmillan menu for 11th May……well, it was too wet for cardio tennis and now I’ve immersed myself with thoughts of food, am struggling to make a plan for moving more today. I take my hat off to all you swimmers out there as the thought of having to get changed in a cold tiled cavernous room followed by jumping into the water….and then having to change again after…..it just puts me off. The actual swimming would be fine….hmmm, maybe I’d better not think and just go do….thinking is how we end up not doing anything.
Meanwhile, well done to everyone that is moving more, it’s not easy with the weather so gloomy but I do hope it gives you feel a real sense of achievement. Stick with it…..I can’t say it gets easier but it does lift the spirits.
PS. Just back from ½ hour swim….hence the “wet hare” picture J
Posted 29th April
Wow...!! I need to get my trainers on!! Love the hare pic :) , Gill xx