Blog 3:
I promise my blogs will get shorter but just whilst I discover all these activities I am afraid I feel the need to share!! As for checking with doctors how little I can get away with, sadly (taken in the right context of course) I feel absolutely fine and no obvious symptoms so I have no excuses at all. Was with the oncologist Thursday morning as more lumps appearing but is “to be expected” apparently, so back to carrying on “as normal”! In October treatment did move from maybe never to within 3 years so things are happening in my body but none to stop me keeping going right now (or ever for that matter!!).
Monday night: Jogging. I survived. Can I call it jogging? Not really….what would be a jog/walk – jalking? Wagging?
Ouch? Not really. It was actually OK. Well, it had morphed into a monster with 10 heads and 38 legs in my mind so it was never going to be that bad. It was also the first time I had run with headphones on which definitely made it easier. Not sure if that’s because I couldn’t hear myself think or I was just concentrating too hard on not singing out loud! Now that would have been a treat for my fellow beach users.
How did it make me feel? I actually felt quite proud of myself. Not because of the activity itself, just the fact that I got out there and did it / achieved what I set out to do. The Macmillan Move More diary does have a bit you are meant to fill in each day saying what activity you are going to do when and if something gets in your way you will………? My first answer was: Fall over it. Not sure where I am going with this thought but there’s a point somewhere – I’ll leave that one to you.
Housework, gardening, ironing is just as strenuous if not more so that any jalk/wag, and god forbid the outcome if you blast up a bit of music whilst you work….Freddie Mercury and a hoover spring to mind?!! It really is the doing rather than the what.
Talking of the doing, Tuesday’s wagging was OK and passed by fairly uneventfully, Wednesday was just a fast walk as I was VERY stiff and Thursday….now that was tough and I really struggled with it…but don’t know why….this is why I still do not like jogging….I am no good at keeping myself motivated when the going gets tough (well, ish!)…BUT I didn’t have my headphones so I think that didn’t help….I did have a big push at the end though after a talk to myself with an “I can at least do it for everyone on Mac online”. A bit disappointed with myself really.
A lesson is that I need to find other things that fit in with work and exercising the dog that is not just jogging. Weekends are fine as I have the time….this weekend is swimming on Saturday and I have found a Cardio-Tennis group on Sunday’s so this is me on the road back into tennis which I am very excited about. And when I start my new job I promise I’ll find yoga type activities or other things that might inspire some of you….I am not taking any suggestions..YET!!??!
I missed today…..Friday, a day off – if you can call it that, I still have the normal ½ hour walk in the morning, 20 mins at lunch and 1 hour after work with the dog. May need to take a leaf out of Julia’s book and run up and down some stairs. Week 1 down already…only 11 to go – not that I’m counting or anything. Happy weekend’s to you all.
Posted 30th March
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