Saturday, April 14, 2012

Blog 1: Did someone say cake?

OK…. I have known about “Move More” for a few weeks now….the initial email saying a cheery “Congratulations, you’ve been picked” received my panic, grumpy response of  “oh no, really”?!  Serves me right for volunteering!  In preparation I have got myself more and more apprehensive and drunk more wine and eaten more biscuits…..why?  Not sure….but I have never been good at sticking at something for any length of time and now “move more” is public … well, in for a penny in for a pound (oh, trying to shed some of those too!)

 “Try to make your blog interesting” was a “rule” to this… that means I have to do more than just my 1 ½ hours walking each day with the dog (I would try and vary where I walked for you, different scenery and all that)?   I may finally crack open the Wii Zumba that I’ve had in a draw for a year and the Davina DVD caked in dust….mmmm, cake, did someone say cake?   Mini trampoline….I have to concentrate on that as it is so mini that if I don’t jump straight, I WILL fall off! 

Swimming?  Beached whale…….now that I enjoy but I can already feel my arms hurting as I haven’t played for so many years…I used to be very good until I made a leap for a ball only to land on a a spare ball that was lying on the ground - snap went the collar bone – amazing no sprained or broken ankle…that was another time!  Cycling, jogging….oh the list goes on…..

Yoga…now there’s a goal…..low impact and great all round for body and mind so a lot of us can do yoga whether it is before, during or after treatment or de-stressing from looking after a friend or relative.  However, balancing on one leg?  First class I did a wobble and nearly took the rest of the class with me… the domino effect.

What a lot of waffle, all for moving more, with an aim to actually enjoy the extra exercise, get fit to give myself the best chance to fight the battles ahead, to lose some weight, to sleep better, to de-stress (?) and to generally feel good about myself and what a great buddy to be doing this alongside, JuliaF.  
So, Saturday 24th, off we go to the start line......ready, steady to go….. 

NEVER GIVE UP ON A GOAL BEACAUSE OF THE TIME IT TAKES BECAUSE THE TIME WILL PASS ANYWAY (I think I got that from a diet book…..maybe this time I can talk the talk AND walk the walk?!!).

Posted 24th March

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