Jubilee flags blowing in the wind
I have been sailing…..a beautiful wooden boat on calm seas with favourable winds, glorious sunshine…..then WHAM, the wind is taken right out of my sails. I hit a rock. I realise the waters I have been sailing are the cancer ones.
So, Monday was a day off exercise, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings were the regular jogs with yoga session number 2 on Tuesday evening. Of course I hadn’t practiced my breathing or my sitting crossed legged but both seemed a bit easier this week. The lesson was the sun salutation and on completion of round one, the skies opened onto the sky-light…..I thought this was a sun salutation, not a rain dance!
Thursday morning I did a gentle walk before heading off to my appointment at the Royal Marsden, the right hospital, in Sutton, not Fulham….which I only just realised before jumping on the bus to Fulham…..mad dash back home and to my car……definitely raised my heart rate! Luckily I always leave early for my appointments as it’s one less panic thinking I’m going to be late.
Six hours later, I walk very slowly to my car….careful up the hill, mustn’t dislodge that blood clot……. Deep vein thrombosis….only a partial blockage!! Well, I did manage to persuade the doctor to let me keep yoga in my repertoire, and of course I need to walk my dog, but not uphill or too fast but no bat of an eyelid at 3 miles plus so weekends will be fine. And yes, these were my first thoughts once out from the stifling air in the hospital that just pushes your shoulders down…into the fresh air, ah, oxygen….I still have my blog to complete!
Friday was sports day at school but I was sensible and didn’t go and enter into any races and I really did walk much slower than usual. It’s amazing how knowing that any minute I could drop down dead from a thrombosis that you almost feel “ill” – but I’m not and I certainly didn’t accept the offer of being signed off work….I had the choice of anything from 1 month to 3?? So life continues as normal….but just less strenuous exercise, well, for a few weeks anyway. Maybe my stomach will finally get a look in and I will have to do a few sit ups….but then again, I am now quite grateful for my “spare tyre” for my daily injections of anti-coagulants!
Keep moving everyone and remember, it’s not what you do it’s just the doing. As for me, I need to mend the hole in my boat, raise the sails again……..blow wind, blow.
Posted 2nd June
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